出国留学,迈出成长的重要一步!中国银行依托覆盖 全球的服务网络和丰富的国际业务经验,整合集团多元化 产品和服务,面向有跨境金融服务需求的出国留学人群推 出"中国银行出国金融服务",为您提供便捷周到的一站式 跨境金融服务。从申请学校开始到整个留学过程,全面满 足您的各类金融需求。
中国银行广西区分行独家特邀加拿大驻广州总领事馆 官员莅临展会现场,为学子权威解读加拿大教育概况与政 策,带来前沿的留学、签证等一手资讯。现场观众可与领 事馆官员进行面对面互动交流,领事馆官员将为现场观众 权威解答加拿大留学过程中的遇到的各种疑问与困惑。
Among the top 3 OECD countries in spending per capita on public postsecondary education 经合组织国家中对高等教育投入最多的国家
Consistent high quality of education across the country 全国教育质量稳定平均
Academic credentials valued worldwide 全球认可的学历
Stimulating and innovative research environment 鼓励创新的研究环境
Great campus life and support 缤纷的校园生活和保障
Academic advisors provide guidance to international students 给留学生提供学术指导
Assistance programs offer counselling, support for the disabled and student health services 社会援助服务,辅导、学生健康和残障人士服务
Athletics activities and student clubs connect you with other students 多元的学生社团和活动
Career development services and alumni networks help you meet your goals 职业发展服务和校友资源
(1)Three levels of degrees: ?提供以下三种学位:
Bachelor’s: generally three or four years of undergraduate study? 学士学位-3-4年本科学习 Master’s: one or two years of study after the bachelor’s degree, including a thesis, practicum, or research paper or course-based 硕士学位-1-2年研究生学习,需完成学术论文、实习和研究报告 Doctoral or PhD: three years of study including a thesis, usually after the master’s degree 博士学位-至少三年,提交博士论文,通常在拿到研究生学位之后
Campuses in 1000 communities across Canada offer over 8000 programs 超过1000所学院,提供多达8000课程 Program length varies from a few months to four years 课程长短设置灵活 Practical programs meet the needs of specific industries and employers 应用性强,贴近产业和雇主要求 Work placements available through co-op education and internships 实习期间落实工作 Cutting-edge technology enables flexible program delivery 讲课方式灵活 Average of 90% of college graduates obtain employment within 6 months of graduating 超过9成毕业之后6个月内找到工作
Ease of Access to Work and Immigration Opportunities by Country 容易获得国家的工作和移民机会 Canada offers clear pathways for students interested in work and immigration options both during and post studies 加拿大为在研究期间和研究后对工作和移民选择感兴趣的学生提供了明确的途径
Average full-time annual fees to study in Canada 在加拿大学习的全日制的平均消费(年)
Comparing the range of international student tuition fees at the university undergraduate level around the world
WHAT DO YOU NEED TO STUDY IN CANADA 你需要在加拿大学习什么 You need a Study Permit to study in Canada for six months or longer. 您需要在加拿大学习六个月或更长时间的学习许可 You need the following documents to apply: 您需要以下文件材料才能申请: Proof of acceptance 学校的录取通知书 Proof of identity 有效护照 Proof of financial support 资金证明 Study Plan 学习计划 There are two ways you can apply: 2种方式可申请: Apply online 在线申请 Apply on paper 提交书面文件申请 In China, applications are received through Visa Application Centres all over the country. For example, in Guangzhou there is a Visa Application Centre in Tianhe (Rm. 351 Chengjian Mansion 189 Tiyu Rd. (west), Tianhe District, Guangzhou) 在中国,申请需通过全国的签证申请中心收到。 例如,在广州的申请中心地址——广州天河区天河路1号(西)351号城建大厦351室有签证申请中心 申请地址:www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/china 申请邮箱:Infocan.cacn@vfshelpline.com Find more information on eligibility and the application process as well as how to prepare for your arrival in Canada on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website at www.cic.gc.ca under the Study section 更多有关资格和申请流程的信息,以及如何准备您前往加拿大相关事宜, 可通过加拿大公民和移民局网站www.cic.gc.ca 进行了解
1.Study Direct Stream (SDS) 学习直入计划 为符合此类别,你必须: 递交来自指定加拿大学院或大学的录取通知书 递交成绩为6或以上的雅思成绩,或来自在华加拿大海外高中的被认可的加拿大 高中文凭,或显示已完成加拿大大学2+2课程项目两年学业的成绩单 递交由加拿大的参与金融机构出具的担保投资证 (GIC) 递交申请之前进行体检 通过签证申请中心递交申请 2. Student Partners Program (SPP) 学生合作计划 为符合条件,你必须: 递交来自SPP合作院校的录取通知书 递交平均成绩为5.5 或以上的雅思成绩,或来自在华加拿大海外高中的被认可的 加拿大高中文凭递交来自加拿大的参与金融机构出具的担保投资证(GIC) 递交申请前进行体检 通过签证申请中心递交申请
Which colleges or universities are eligible? 哪些大学或学院符合资格? SDS:Any public post-secondary institution, such as a college, trade/technical school, university or CEGEP (in Quebec)would qualify for SDS. SDS:任何公立高等教育机构,如大学,贸易/技术学校,大学或CEGEP(魁北克省)都有资格获得SDS。 SPP:For list of qualifying SPP colleges please visit www.collegesinstitutes.ca SPP:有关合格的SPP大学名单,请访问 www.collegesinstitutes.ca